Videotheek Pralaya Practice Class | Letting prana flow

Pralaya Practice Class | Letting prana flow

Pralaya Yoga
90 min
Robert Boustany
Beschikbaarheid na aankoop
14 Dagen
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€ 25,00Losse ticket
€ 25,00Online session with Robert - 1 sessie
€ 100,00Online session with Robert - 4 sessies

Over de les

A very good, detailed teacher training practice class taking you deeper into flowing prana in your body.

Roberts starts off explaining the influence of your alignment on the flow of energy through your spine and the knots of energy, space and time. 

Twisting while using the breath, experiencing yoga is all about flowing prana through your body. For prana to flow alignment is important, relaxation of the muscles on one side is important, contraction of muscles on the other side is important, concentration is important. And you need to learn to relax the body.

Strengthening quadriceps and arms, building it up gradually with a lot of details. A class to go through again!

Recorded on 29 March 2024

If you weren't live in this class and you do want these hours to count for your Yogasite 200h or 300h TT Yoga Alliance Certificate please send the answer to the next questions to

Questions: What should be your goal when in a standing forward bend (instead of straightening the knees)? And why do you want to use your breath into your twists? Why don’t you want to strain in any given pose? 

Over de docent

Robert Boustany is the founder of Pralaya Yoga and has been teaching yoga for 50 years. He is known for his detailed understanding of the anatomy of poses, energetics and Yoga Therapy. For more information about Robert, take a look at our and his website: &