Workshop Heels Pole Tricks by Tatjana van Onna

Starts on Saturday, 19/10/2024
Price 37.50 €


Are you eager to master tricks and combos in heels, inspired by the latest trends in Heels Pole? This is the perfect workshop for you! Tatjana will guide you through a series of tricks and flips in heels. Each trick will be presented within a concise combination, empowering you to seamlessly incorporate these moves into your personal choreography.

This workshop requires a pre-intermediate level. Don’t forget to bring your pleasers and knee pads!

Trainer :



1.19/10/202414:30 - 16:00H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 6V6, 1096 AN AmsterdamTatjana


Reservation cancellations are not possible after payment; reservations are final upon payment.

* All prices including VAT