Breathwork and sharing circle for men @ Oracley
 Breathwork and sharing circle for men @ Oracley

Breathwork and sharing circle for men



@ Oracley


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 Breathwork and sharing circle for men @ Oracley
 Breathwork and sharing circle for men @ Oracley

Nothing emasculates a man more than when the truth must be concealed from him in order to protect him from his own emotions - Ihsan

In this workshop we come together as men to connect, share feelings and hold space for each other. We start with breathwork, using a technique called circular breathing. With this powerful technique, by connecting the in- and the out-breath, we go beyond the mind and create space in the body so that sensations, emotions and energy that is blocked (sometimes for years) can come to the surface and into motion. Life is here to be experienced and once we truly experience what we feel we will live and create more from a place of freedom, love and authenticity. Vulnerability is not a weakness, it is a superpower! Time to to transmute this into the world. 

Join Nick the second Friday of every month for this special gathering.

About your guide:

Nick works as a breathwork facilitator, with the intention on creating a connection with yourself and feeling safe in the body.

Nick’s personal journey in yoga and breathwork started 7 years ago, when he got curious about self development. His practice got him to study meditation, and he is now studying Yin Yoga. He facilitates breathwork circles, group sessions, and also guides 1:1. In addition, he works as a sourdough baker and chef for retreats and has a big passion for slow food and fermentation


Freitag, 9. August 2024


18:00 - 20:00

(120 min)


Ter Haarstraat 18, 1053 LJ Amsterdam







(Noch keine Bewertungen)


Please note that tickets upon purchase are non refundable, you can however transfer to a friend, just email to let us know who will take your place instead of you. Please ensure to arrive at the studio 10 minutes prior to the workshop start time to settle in. Late entries may be refused entry, based on the nature of the workshop.

Breathwork and sharing circle for men


Freitag, 9. August 2024


18:00 - 20:00

(120 min)


