RTT Find Clarity and Rewire your subconscious mind for more self-belief @ Oracley
RTT Find Clarity and Rewire your subconscious mind for more self-belief @ Oracley

RTT Find Clarity and Rewire your subconscious mind for more self-belief

Energy sessions


@ Oracley

RTT Find Clarity and Rewire your subconscious mind for more self-belief @ Oracley
RTT Find Clarity and Rewire your subconscious mind for more self-belief @ Oracley

Ready to stop playing small?

In this special event, Elles guides you through two hypnosis sessions. First, a hypnosis session to help you gain more clarity on an important decision you'd like to make, followed by a mini-break and some tea, whereafter she will guide you through a RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) session for more self-belief.

Session Structure:

Attain clarity by tapping into your intuition In this guided hypno-meditation, Elles will lead you to the theta state, heightening your intuition and providing personal reflection to gain clarity on a decision you´d like to make. Tea break and time for reflection.

Rewire your subconscious mind for more self-belief Did you know 80-95% of our decisions are influenced by our subconscious mind? Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) allows you to transform limiting beliefs rooted in your subconscious. Through guided visualizations and meditative practices, you will enter a theta state—a realm where you can connect with your subconscious and rewrite outdated beliefs. Together, you'll reset your mindset, release self-doubt, and welcome profound self-belief.

Waiver: Hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy® are not a replacement for traditional therapy or treatment provided by a psychologist or psychiatrist. If you are suffering from severe trauma, ptsd, are epileptic or suffer from a psychotic illness, including multiple personality disorder or bipolar disorder, please do not undergo Rapid Transformational Therapy or hypnosis. Read the full terms and conditions here.

About Your Host: Elles Ottens is a TEDx speaker, Rapid Transformational Therapist, and Clinical Hypnotherapist. She conducts hypnosis workshops worldwide at membership clubs and wellness centers like Soho House, The Cover, Adam&co, and Oracley, helping creatives tap into their intuition, break through fear, and step into their potential.

How to prepare for this session:

Fill in this questionnaire; it helps Elles personalize the session to the group's needs. https://ecl9ifmh0hy.typeform.com/to/hFxTN781

Please make sure to arrive 15 minutes early, so you can make yourself comfortable and relaxed before we dive into the session.

Take a journal and pen with you as you'll gain new insights about old limiting patterns that block you from stepping into your potential.

Avoid caffeine 3 hours before the session.

Important to know: Please know that after the workshop, you might feel a little tired. Make sure to ground yourself after the session before driving.

About the host: Elles Ottens is a Hypnotherapist and uses tools such as Rapid Transformational Therapy, NLP, and EMDR to help high performers shed layers that no longer serve them.

It is her mission to help you level up your self-belief and go after your goals from a place of joy and love. Because the world will be a better place when you do so.

Waiver: Rapid Transformational Therapy® is not a replacement for traditional therapy or treatment provided by a psychologist or psychiatrist. If you are suffering from severe trauma or PTSD, are epileptic, or suffer from a psychotic illness, including multiple personality disorder or bipolar disorder, it is not recommended that you undergo Rapid Transformational Therapy.

By participating in this workshop, you agree with the terms and conditions. For more information about the terms and conditions, go to the following page: ellesottens.com/terms-and-conditions-2/


Samstag, 12. Oktober 2024


18:00 - 20:00

(120 min)


Ter Haarstraat 18, 1053 LJ Amsterdam


55,00 €

All inclusive ticket




(Noch keine Bewertungen)


Please note that tickets upon purchase are non refundable, you can however transfer to a friend, just email to let us know who will take your place instead of you. Please ensure to arrive at the studio 10 minutes prior to the workshop start time to settle in. Late entries may be refused entry, based on the nature of the workshop.

RTT Find Clarity and Rewire your subconscious mind for more self-belief


Samstag, 12. Oktober 2024


18:00 - 20:00

(120 min)